The “Knowledge Hub” – COHERENT Project (A CirclE Of youth for tHe EuRope wE waNT)

Youth in EU needs tools, networking, best practices and competences to realize their potential. This can be achieved by encouraging sharing of ideas and information via experience exchange, which is a basis for COHERENT. 

COHERENT is an Erasmus+ KA3 project. The project’s main objective is to increase youth participation in civic life related to the youth goals, foster cross-border mobility and increase youth cooperation in projects.

The COHERENT Project aims to demonstrate a contribution to the Youth Strategy via empowering, engaging, and connecting the network to increase youth participation in civic life.

One of the intellectual output developed by the Coherent consortium is the Knowledge Hub Platform, containing 3 e-modules about the 3 key EU Youth Goals, e-textbooks and policy toolkit. 

The aim of the e-courses is to actively engage, motivate and educate youth on:
– inclusive societies
– information and constructive dialogue
– sustainable and green Europe

The Knowledge Hub platform with the e-course is available here: Go check it out!


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