The Project


M.O.T.H.E.R. stands for Mobility Opportunity Training for a Higher Employment Rate and is a European project aimed at the development of a new entrepreneurial mindset in youths in Europe.

The M.O.T.H.E.R. Project has been financed in Italy in 2020 by the Erasmus Italian National Agency for Youths to JUMP Gioventù in riSalto association based in Soverato (Calabria region, Italy).

The main goal is to develop a platform offering “free” training, mobility and cooperation opportunities among youths inside and outside the borders of the 6 countries involved. Partners from Italy, Portugal, North Macedonia, Greece, Hungary and Lithuania are experienced organizations (below their profiles) working in the field of European projects, dealing with different target groups “in need”.

The e-learning platform called “M.O.T.H.E.R. Social Platform for Business of Youths”, hosted by the Jump Academy, contains a free training path of 12 training modules designed to be the most updated and innovative in this actual era. All contents are in English and created to be smart and appealing for youths. International experts were involved in the creation of the formal contents.

M.O.T.H.E.R. Platform

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Partners introduced the innovative figure of the “e-coach” who is a young person who learnt new digital tools to transfer formal and difficult contents, reach and attract other youths. The e-coach is competent in coaching and mentoring to support their peers. Thanks to M.O.T.H.E.R., this new team of international “e-coaches” is working together to reach the target of 240 youths to be involved as potential future entrepreneurs in the actual scenario of the so-called Global Europe.






