Presented today the M.O.T.H.E.R. to an Hungarian teacher to test if the training path can be interesting also for secondary schools

Today JUMP presented the M.O.T.H.E.R. project to a teacher from Budapest, representing a prestigious school of Budapest, “Észak-Budapesti Tankerületi Központ ÚJPESTI KÖNYVES KÁLMÁN GIMNÁZIUM”, interested in developing entrepreneurial skills in her students with a focus on education to sustainability (ecological education/green economy) which are the most important topics of our future training path to train youths online. 

Mrs Agnes Falnagy is an English teacher but from the next school year she will integrate economy and her school became an eco-school at the European level. 

We explored together the draft modules which have been created by partners in the last months and we deepen EU guidelines like the “European Green Deal” and the UN Sustainable goals with practical activities to be developed with students.

The UN 17 goals are an important base not included in our training. A good idea of this sharing moment today has been to add new topics such us this one and another one which is “female entrepreneurship”. 

Connected with the article written by Ms Tiziana Lentini titled “WOMEN FOR THE SOUTH: SUPPORTING WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN SOUTH ITALY”, the topic of entrepreneurship for women is crucial nowadays and youths should learn more on the opportunities offered by EU funds. 

With Mrs Agnes Falnagy we discussion on the importance of transforming the training modules we created by experts into interactive and dynamic materials which can be studied at the secondary school level. A new perspective for the M.O.T.H.E.R. project!


Written by
Erika Gerardini – JUMP Team Leader and Project Manager

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