On M.O.T.H.E.R official website, this one, we decided to create a blog, the “M.O.T.H.E.R. Blog” structured in 4 categories:
- news from partners
- good practices for youths
- news from Europe
- project activities.
Partners are requested to write articles and propose concrete practices and existing tools which can be useful for youths to develop a new entrepreneurial skills and fight youth unemployment in Europe.
We started in April to design the website and since the beginning the blog raised our attention because through it we can share what usually remains just a local news.
You can find quite many articles on different topics, on activities of the projects, online meetings, interesting news at the EU level and, the most important, good practices of EU projects for youths where partners realised tools and materials for potential young entrepreneurs.
We hope that our blog will attract more and more readers. The idea around the M.O.T.H.E.R. project is that we can be like the mother yeast of something which can grow becoming bigger and full of many things.
Maybe a crazy idea but this is M.O.T.H.E.R. , the mother of other projects.
Blogging is a constant weekly work connected with the social media strategy.
Every time we publish an article on the blog, in parallel we create a post on the official Fb page https://www.facebook.com/Mother-erasmus-project-104364128468647 using the same common hashtag #mother_project and adding other hashtags according to the specific topics of each article. Blogging means to plan articles according to a long term strategy, ask writers to write articles and value the coherence to be published and promoted and develop reading and writing skills.
The goal of the blog is to create literature on our topics and attract users and new readers week by week. The blog is open to everyone! Come on, write us and propose your articles!
Written by
Erika Gerardini – JUMP Team Leader and Project Manager
The writer of M.O.T.H.E.R. project. https://www.associazionejump.it/il-team