Finding the right career path for you

Young adults can feel overwhelmed when choosing a career. At the same time, global issues call for more engagement.  

The EU-funded project ‘Provocating Innovation’ project united these challenges and supported young people in making sustainable career decisions. From setting up a new business venture to taking part in voluntary work, ‘Provocating Innovation’ raised awareness of less traditional choices. 

The project developed a training curriculum, which was implemented through workshops, and a handbook called ‘Take the Future in Your Hands – A Roadmap to Authentic Vocation for Social Transformation’. The focus is on selfcoaching exercises to reveal talents and practical steps to tackling troubles.

The book takes you on a personal journey, exploring childhood dreams, hobbies and heroes, and your core interests and skills today. It advises you to ask others how they see you, think deeply about your negative sides, and learn to recognise the symptoms of burn-out.

The guide also includes inspiring examples, such as the social movements that sprang up across Europe during the refugee crisis, eco-villages and food co-ops that support local agriculture. It then examines practical steps to becoming an entrepreneur, like how to set up a crowd-funding initiative, gain a public grant, hold an event and create merchandise.

Take a loot at the book Take the future in your hands!  and don’t forget the Training Course Curriculum

More information


The Erasmus+ Project Results Platform:



Author: Francesca Politi – JUMP Team

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