The EU-funded project DIG IN sets up a collaborative learning space designed for NEETs to connect with peers and create new opportunities for themselves, enabling them to overcome barriers to participation in society and in the labor market.
NEET is an acronym for ‘not in employment, education or training’, used to refer to the situation of many young persons – typically aged between 15 and 24 – in Europe and beyond.
Many young people are at risk of becoming socially excluded, being without a job and not involved in any further education or training. DIG IN, a Strategic Partnerships for Youth Education project funded by the ErasmusPlus Program, wants to support this vulnerable category of young people who are outside the labour market: the endless possibilities of entrepreneurship education and ICT based strategies can enhance their employability skills, building their motivation and increase their confidence as citizens.
The network of 7 partners capitalized on the capacity and skills offered by their consortium, exchanging ideas and creating tools and products that can be easily used by a variety of actors, offering a good starting point for the improvement of the learning provision.
Outputs like digital mentoring for digital natives / digital manual, programme guide and digital toolbox are centered on fostering NEETs social & work inclusion, using digital youth work and collaborative techniques.
It’s never too late to redefine your skill set, sharpen your knowledge and power innovation!
More information:
Project Website:
Author: Francesca Politi – JUMP Team