Welcome back to everyone, we are pleased to announce that you can watch on our official YouTube channel (M.O.T.H.E.R. Erasmus Plus Project) the video of the second Transnational Project Meeting held in Budapest on 1-2 February 2022.
Here is the link to access the video directly:

Also during this meeting, many important issues concerning the progress of the M.O.T.H.E.R. project and all future actions to be taken in order to achieve all declared objectives were addressed.
As it happened in all other mobilities held so far, also this time there was a great participation of all partners, who were well oriented to plan common strategies and to clarify all doubts concerning the new future phase of the project: the launch of the M.O.T.H.E.R. Social Platform for Youth Business.
We would also like to remind you that on our official website there is the photo gallery and video gallery page: https://motherproject.eu/photo-and-videos/
Here you can see the essential moments of the meetings held so far and get to know all the people who are working positively within this Erasmus plus project.
Stay tuned also on our Facebook page!
Written by
Francesco Tirinato – Junior Project Manager (Jump Team)