The activities planned within the M.O.T.H.E.R. Social Economic Forum continue prolifically.
In fact, yesterday afternoon, starting from 5-30 p.m., after a brief introduction by Jump on the state of the art of the project and on the latest developments of the M.O.T.H.E.R. Social Platform for Business of Youths, a very interesting World Cafè started, where the young people who are participating with great enthusiasm in our interactive e-learning courses were the real protagonists.
All the participants (including the various Team leaders and e-coaches of the 6 European partners involved in the project) were engaged in reflecting on the main themes that distinguish the world of entrepreneurship, especially by illustrating concrete examples of innovative realities rooted in the various European territories, trying to focus on the two main categories involved in the M.O.T.H.E.R. project:
Mother Workers and Free Workers Online.
Each of them, left their own Team of origin to join the tables composed by the representatives of the six countries involved in the meeting (Portugal, Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania) and every ten minutes they were mixed in different tables to stimulate a greater involvement and to put into play different experiential paths that distinguish their personal background.
At the end of the World Café, the Jump association presented to all the international guests present (who were joined by German, Spanish and Finnish teachers attending the Erasmus courses) some of the most enterprising young people from Calabria who are actively involved in the M.O.T.H.E.R. project.
The evening continued under the banner of the Euro.Soul Festival, which yesterday celebrated the Europe Day, and ended by celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Jump Association which wanted to offer good food from Calabria and lots of music to all the guests present who undoubtedly spent an unforgettable evening.
Written by
Francesco Tirinato – Junior Project Manager (Jump Team)