Girls Lead: how to foster an entrepreneurial culture

The jobs of the future are likely to require new skills, hence the importance and role of accessible knowledge and positive examples to help up-skill millions of young people. 

In communities where opportunities are lacking, accessing such skills it is proven to be more challenging for NEET’s (young people not in education, employment or training) and young women. To bridge this gap, a valuable action is supporting young women’s  entrepreneurial mindset through role modeling and exemplary leadership.

Girls lead” is a European project intended to develop a culture of initiative among young women. A journey made of four steps: inspire girls,  train them leadership skills, help them network, let them get involved and act.

To pursue this goal, a partnership of 7 European organizations selected and promoted role models of female social entrepreneurs, developing digital impact stories/short films, developed curriculum for Girls’ Leadership, created an online platform for young women’s interaction about opportunities and tools to share entrepreneurial ideas with social impact.

The project addressed young women aged 15-29 and NEETs, providing them with innovative and flexible ways to get involved in entrepreneurial and social learning, enabling them to act as a force for change in their local communities and in wider society, and thus to overcome deprivation, inequality, educational disadvantage and social exclusion.

More information

Project Website:

Author: Francesca Politi – JUMP Team

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