Youth unemployment rate in Italy during the pandemic

Although, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment rates in Italy were generally high, the negative impact of the pandemic on economic activity and employment has undoubtedly exacerbated existing problems, and the younger population is undoubtedly the most affected group.

In general, southern European regions have the highest unemployment rates. Young people are particularly vulnerable to labor market stagnation.

In 2020, Greece, Lithuania and Italy had the highest youth unemployment rates in the EU together with Spain (first country in this sad ranking). Particularly in Italy, this trend continues in 2021 where the youth unemployment rate remains close to 30%.

Overall, 2.854 million young people (under 25 years old) were unemployed in the EU in the summer of 2021. Moreover, some significant regional unemployment figures show that Southern Italy is at the bottom of the European ranking.

In particular, more than one in five people (20.1%) were out of work in 2020 in Calabria, the eighth worst rate in Europe.

Calabria, like many regions in Southern Italy, certainly has one of the highest youth unemployment rates not only on the national territory but also in comparison to the broader European context.

“There are many difficult causes for youth unemployment in Italy. Among the main reasons discussed today are the low economic and financial index of the country, the quality of education, its relevance with the requirements of the labor market, the flexibility and regulations of the labor market, the ineffective policy of overcoming unemployment, etc.”

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