See highlights from the last TPM in Kaunas in the our Website gallery and on the official Facebook page

The last Transnational Project Meeting of the M.O.T.H.E.R. project recently took place in Lithuania (Kaunas 7-8 July).

By entering the Gallery page of our website
you can view all the highlights of this meeting and also look back with us on the beautiful sights admired while visiting Kaunas.

We have also uploaded all the photos to our official Facebook page
which we are constantly updating in order to keep you informed about the news and all the actions carried out for the M.O.T.H.E.R. project.

We are already working on editing the official video of the meeting in Lithuania and as soon as it is ready it will be announced so you can watch it on our official
YouTube channel

Stay tuned with us!

Written by
Francesco Tirinato – Junior Project Manager (Jump Team)

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