We are pleased to introduce our new project: Young Women Green Entrepreneurship, shortened to YOU WEEN! YOU WEEN is a 2-year, Erasmus-funded, innovation-focused project aiming to give effective tools to young women living in rural areas, and green urban areas, to increase chances and opportunities in employment and increase socio-educational and personal development.
YOU WEEN promotes entrepreneurship education and activities amongst ‘green’ young women. It does this through training in green thinking, raising awareness of sustainability and gender equity, promoting ‘green’ development in rural/isolated areas or green urban areas, exchanging good practices, and providing expertise and knowledge for young women.

The project is pan-european with partners from the UK, Poland, Lithuania, Spain, Italy, Greece, and North Macedonia collaborating for holistic results. From it’s beginning in January 2021, partners have been working to develop three ‘intellectual outputs’ including a set of educational videos, a virtual interactive network and platform and an exploitation roadmap and guidelines for policy influence.
So far, YOU WEEN has kicked-off with online international meetings between all partners, the mapping and collection of best practices around Europe in sustainable and green entrepreneurship for young women, and as of last week, conducted its first official training day for youth workers – which we believe is something to celebrate!
★ What problems af ect young women in rural areas?
★ What limits do women encounter when starting a business?
★ How can Coaching Circles be used as a training technique in green entrepreneurship?
These questions were the starting point for our first ‘train the trainer’ session. The session was held on Friday 28th May 2021 via Zoom, with +35 participants from seven EU countries. The training served as the first of five training days for youth workers (with the following four days to take place in Poland come September 2021), all with the aim to provide youth workers with green entrepreneurship training in order to support young women living in rural areas through local grass-roots initiatives.

After warming up with these questions, it came time to practice Coaching Circles Methodology as the main purpose of the training. The goal of the Coaching Circles? To generate emotional peer conversations and interactive reflections based on presented ‘cases’ of gender in/equity in green entrepreneurship.
Participants were split into smaller working groups, having the chance to experience Coaching Circle Methodology first-hand as a part of the training. Youth Workers responded very positively to the circles, stating they felt more hopeful and engaged than before the training, and thought this methodology is transferable to training young women in green entrepreneurship. All in all, the training technique proved very effective in identifying needs, experiences and expectations of all those who participated, marking a successful start to the YOU WEEN project.
For More Information on YOU WEEN Project:
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