Highway to Standing Out CV for Youth

Preparation of CV for youth is necessary to successfully integrate themselves into labor market. However, on the internet is to much noise on how to create CV with various tips and tricks. Too much information creates chaos and confusion and becomes hard to distinguish important aspects form unimportant. In this article disclose quick and easy way to creating successful CV.

First, your CV has to be eye-catching to separate you from the crowd. To do it professional template need to be selected. I recommend using Europass template. It is easy to use and it automatically generates temple. Moreover, European logo is included into template. It makes you look more professional, trustworthy.

Link to create Europass CV: https://europa.eu/europass/en

Second, most important content in your CV are your work experiences and results you delivered. Recruiters are always looking for people to carry out tasks inside their companies. Practically speaking your work experience should match recruiters job role requirements and adding result reached in your previous roles jobs makes it look more credible. All in all, experience and result are your dream job gate keepers.

Third, if you are young adding training certificates, diplomas, acknowledgment or volunteering experiences are good way to show that you are active and motivated. I suggest scanning all your physical certificates, adding them  to google disc and sharing a link in your CV.  Additionally if you want to track how many clicks it attained, with bitly you can do it for free.

Tutorial how to use Bitly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFLgCdlQwso

Summing up, to create standing out CV most important parts are: eye-catching template, well described job experiences with result achieved and portfolio of nonformal activities might increase your changes for job interview.

Written by Adas Perkauskas

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