The autumn of 2021 has been a very busy season for the Hungarian partner in the M.O.T.H.E.R. project.
Ecocenter has multiple ongoing projects, including local, regional and international projects. The last few months have been busy for multiple reasons, firstly, we are taking part in a lot of projects, and secondly because of covid many of the meetings had to be held online or postponed, and now that the covid situation was better in most countries, we had the opportunity to travel and hold transnational project meetings in person.
The first main activity was the M.O.T.H.E.R. project meeting in Skopje, in which two of our team leaders participated to talk about this project. Team leaders of the M.O.T.H.E.R. project met in Skopje for the first time in person to discuss the M.O.T.H.E.R. project. They also set the time of the next meeting in Portugal.
Another project that we are a part of is called Urban Learning, which deals with the different learning and recreational opportunities in the cities of partner countries, with a special focus on disadvantaged groups, such as disabled people, and seniors. For this project we had the opportunity to explore Budapest in a new light, discover some great opportunities, and places. In October there was a project meeting in Katowice, Poland where we could finally meet our partners in person and discover the opportunities other cities have to offer.
After these project meetings two members of Ecocenter travelled to Italy to participate in a meeting about the prevention of being NEET. The project is called PONTAL, and it deals with identifying those young people who are most likely to become NEET (neither Employed nor in Education or Training), and provide them with education and help in order to choose the right carrier and continue their education.
We also have a project that deals with natural health in two neighbouring countries, Hungary and Serbia. This project aims to show young people holistic methods and approaches to health. For this project we organised thematic days in Kiskunfélegyháza for children in primary school. The activities dealt with five concrete topics, such as the use of herbs, the importance of sport, healthy diets, and inner balance. On the programmes organised for this project children from both Hungary and Serbia participated, and had a chance to learn together.
All in all Ecocenter had a very busy few months, we had the chance to meet our partners and discuss important issues of our ongoing projects.
Written by
Lili Perényi-Harka – Ecocenter Team