A new page has been added to the M.O.T.H.E.R. website: Docs


Welcome back to our blog, today we would like to inform you of the creation of a new page called Docs within our website:


This page will contain documents that can be viewed and/or downloaded by all partners, future learners and, of course, anyone who is interested.
All the material on this page represents the synthesis of the work and close collaboration between the main actors of the M.O.T.H.E.R. project.

You will find detailed reports on the main international meetings held and the concrete results achieved, and you will benefit from important statistical data on the use of the content on our website and all our official social media.

Below is the complete list of documents uploaded so far:


Stay tuned for more news!


Written by
Francesco Tirinato – Junior Project Manager (Jump Team)

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