The LTT Activities are important parts of the M.O.T.H.E.R. project and offer an exchange of know-how and experience between participants from all partner organizations. The visits to youth projects arranged by the partner Municipality of Lousada have practically shown to the international teams examples of entrepreneurship and social innovation.
Agriculture is responsible for 17% of the world’s CO2 emissions. But what if there was a way to produce food without harming the planet? The idea is called Permaculture – growing vegetables in a circular, self-sustaining system, without pesticides or artificial fertilizers. Behind the brand Terra com Vida there is a couple of young entrepreneurs who made organic farming their lifestyle. They bring their fresh and wonderful vegetables to the market along with seasonal produce, local production, ethic production, respect for the Earth and harvest done when the product is ready to be eaten. They led us to reflect on how to be smart consumers because our demand and our everyday actions can generate positive changes.
A strong call to reflection came also from another inspiring Portuguese reality: Coro de Atores, a company of actors based in Porto who uses theater and music as means of social inclusion. Coro de Atores is composed of a collective of young actors, singers and musicians. The mission is, by combining the actor’s work with the music, to tell and sing the usual stories. Desassossego is the name of the show by the artistic collective where all the scenography and all the costumes end up being the entire responsibility of people with mental illness. An innovative approach to current social issues like the “stigma” of people with mental illness.
Empowering individuals, leading to social transformation and driving change: the same objectives that the MOTHER social platform for business of youths, intellectual output of the project, will pursue addressing to all young people who want to be trained on innovative topics and express their full potential.
Written by
Francesca Politi – Jump Team