Green and sustainable Youth Projects: Nidore & Carbono Biodiverso – LTT Lousada 

One of the main target groups of the M.O.T.H.E.R. project will be the so-called MOTHER workers: category created to represent people linked to their motherland and their community, who use their expertise to develop small enterprises in the field of handicrafts, agriculture, food chain but also health, beauty, wellness, textiles, cooking. During our stay in Lousada we dedicated part of the agenda to learn more about some interesting local realities that meet this definition.

In the middle of a pandemic, with so much free time on hand, and confined at home like so many others, Mario turned his hobby into an actual business project: Nidore. From Latin, the word describes the smell of the first raw material used to make candles, animal fat. Nidore Candle Studio in Maia produces eco-friendly handmade candles without harmful chemicals and minimizing waste production. Keeping this small business sustainable was the priority and in partnership with Associação VERDE, a non-profit association whose mission is to safeguard the natural heritage of Lousada, part of their profits are applied to the preservation and planting of the Green Giants, centenary trees of great size and of high ecological value. 

Started in the mother house, Lousada, VERDE was born from a project of mapping these trees. A project that has grown and that, in 2021, made them realize that it is essential not only to know where these trees are, but also find lasting solutions for their preservation.

That’s the reason behind Carbono Biodiverso, a monthly subscription mechanism based on donations so everyone can become a Guardian investing in ecological restoration and biodiversity promotion and at the same time reduce their environmental impact offsetting their carbon footprint.

A great example of partnership between local realities for our participants! This “widening of horizons” by practical experience is an important aspect to improve project outcomes and make them even more practically applicable.


Written by
Francesca Politi – Jump Team

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